Outlook Mobile

Outlook Mobile


While not required to have email access on your phone, the option is there for you if you wish to be able to do so. At Abdo, we allow employees to access their email from a personal mobile device as opposed to requiring a company issued additional phone to carry. We do require though that this access pass our security requirements to account for scenarios such as: 
  1. A phone being borrowed by a child, a friend, or a family member
  2. A Phone being lost/stolen
  3. Data on phones being accessed/read by other applications on the phone that we can't manage.


Approved app

You're able to log into Office365 if an app is published by Microsoft, in addition to the Jostle and Zoom apps. If you choose to access your firm email from a mobile device, you need to use the Outlook mobile app published by Microsoft. 
Your access to your work account via the approved apps is contingent on registering your device and approving it for your account through: 
  1. On iPhone:  Microsoft Authenticator  
    1. apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-authenticator/id983156458
  2. On Android: Microsoft Intune Company Portal   
    1. play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.windowsintune.companyportal&hl=en_US&gl=US


To ensure that it is you, your Outlook app will ask you to set up a mobile access pin regardless of your biometrics settings. You will get an authentication prompt (biometrics or pin) when accessing your account if it has been more than 30 minutes since the last time you had an approved app open on that specific device. 


  1. Try to keep your email access to your normal working hours, especially if you are non-exempt
  2. We encourage you to set up scheduled notification hours if an app offers the feature and you opt to receive notifications 
    1. Gives you the control to only receive notifications during your regular working hours 
    2. See the article on scheduling mobile notifications for more information


Adding accounts

Your account

Enter your firstname.lastname@abdosolutions.com or firstname.lastname@abdofs.com, depending on what you use to log in every day for the Abdo Cloud. 

The integration between Microsoft's mobile apps should give you a quick prompt to switch over to the Microsoft Authenticator app to approve the login. Once approved, your inbox should be accessible in the Microsoft Outlook mobile app. 

Shared mailbox(es)

Select the profile image in the upper left-hand corner of the Outlook mobile app. Then, select the icon below the profile image that has the plus sign to add another inbox. Select the middle option to add a shared mailbox, then enter in the address of said shared mailbox. You can now toggle back and forth between inboxes by selecting the profile icon in the upper left to bring up the list of mailboxes. 

Personal mailbox(es)

Adding a personal email works similarly adding a shared mailbox, except you select Add Email Account.  

Switching between accounts

 You can switch between accounts by selecting the account/home button in the upper left corner. The home button shows all of the added inboxes in the same view. Below the home button, you can select a specific inbox to view.


You can view your Outlook calendar through the Outlook app through the calendar tab. There is also the ability to view your calendar from a widget on your home screen. 

Adding calendars

When in the calendar tab, press the button in the top left next to the month. You can then press the add calendar button in the same corner. To add any firm calendar, select Add Shared Calendars and enter the calendar/contact name. 

Switching calendars

You can switch between calendars through the same menu as before. Please note that there is a delay when implementing the change in view, as the app needs to download the requested information. 

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