Moving to New Abdo Email Domains

Moving to New Abdo Email Domains

Things that will change

1. Your sign-in to the abdo cloud/Office 365 will now use the new email domain (either or 
2. What your emails will use as the sending address. 

Abdo Cloud Changes on your computer

Before you can sign into the Abdo Cloud, you will need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe from your current Azure Virtual Desktop feed. 
  1. Click the 3 dots that line up with "ABDO-WORKSPACE" (not the top most 3 dots) and then click unsubscribe. 

  2. Then, click the subscribe button

  3. Depending on your setup, you may see your account already on there which will have already updated itself to the new domain, or you may not see one at all. 
  4. Enter your abdo cloud username which is your new email address. Your password is still the abdo cloud password you were previously using. 

Changes on your phone

If you access email on your phone, you will need to remove and re-add your account with your new email address. It may work for a time without you doing this but it will require you to update it eventually. This guide will use outlook for mobile but the steps are similar for other mail apps. 
  1.  click the top left corner to click on your account, then click the settings wheel. 
  2.  tap your mail account. 
  3.  scroll to the bottom and then tap delete account. 

Changes to apps that use your email. 

All apps that use your email address will need to be updated to have the new one on file. The IT Team currently plans to run with this task for Zoom, Knowbe4, SafeSend returns, Safesend exchange, Mimecast, Checkpoint RIA, Sureprep, Jostle, Abdo Support Portal, prolera, Lastpass. If you use your firm issued email as the login information for any other sites:
  1. If it is a work related one that the IT team should be aware of/look into assisting with moving to the new domain, please let us know. 
  2. If it is NOT-work related (for example, if you use this for your ITunes, Amazon, Facebook accounts, logins for your dentist or for mailing lists for political campaigns etc) this is a great time to have those updated to use a personal email address. We don't support the use of firm issued email accounts for personal accounts and it violates our acceptable use policy. 

Changes to Cloud Outlook

These changes require us to reset our outlook profiles. This means when you launch outlook the day after rebrand takes place, you will see the " setup outlook for the first time" series of prompts. Your old (and new!!!) signatures will still be there, but you will need to re-sign into safesend. (our product key is: 6eb34ef5-f78a-4946-babc-129edbd34e54) as well as re-establish any other settings/preferences you typically use for outlook.

If you are edina based and not an ABDOFS employee, you will see that signature already pre-populated. If you are FS or based out of Mankato your signature will reflect this. If you wish to setup signature defaults, click signatures, and then modify new messages and replies/forwards. 

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