Your feedback and ideas of helpful tips will be used to create helpful instructional materials and references as we keep moving forward in using our new IT environment. Thank you for your patience.


Q: How do I log into the cloud?

A: Please see the article on How to access the cloud

Q: How do I tell if an app is running inside the cloud or not? 

A: Please see the article on Am I in the cloud or not?

Q: How will my daily work be impacted by the switch to the new cloud? 

A: The transition should be smooth and have minimal impact on your workflows (beyond a few changes to where you go to access the cloud and quick links). Please see the article on What noticeable changes can I expect going into the new cloud?

Q: How do I access my email and log into other Microsoft products? 

A: Please see the article on Logging into Office365.

Q: I'm getting pop-ups when going into different cloud apps. What do I do? 

A: Please see this document found in Abdo Connect. 


Q: Why can't I save my passwords to Chrome and Edge directly?

A: For increased security, you need to use LastPass to save passwords because your information is safer when it is saved in a place that requires 2-step verification for access. The LastPass browser extension makes the experience just as convenient as, if not more convenient than, the built-in password management on different browsers. LastPass allows you access to your passwords and other secure information on any device through your LastPass login. For more information about LastPass, please see the article on LastPass

Q: How do I change the password for apps that are tied to my cloud account? 

Q: I'm having trouble with 2-factor authentication. Can I change which way I do it?

A: For the cloud and the Microsoft products tied to your cloud account, please see the article on Account recovery for the ABDO Cloud & what to do if you get a new phone. You have a few options for 2-factor authentication (2FA) your cloud account to choose from, though we recommend using the Microsoft Authenticator app for one of your methods. We also recommend setting up a backup method in the event your primary/default authentication method is unavailable. For LastPass, our standard policy is to use the LastPass Authenticator app and to have your phone number be set up as a backup method in the event that primary/default authentication method is unavailable. 

Q: How do I change my laptop login password?

A: If you are at the office and logged into your computer while on the private network, press Ctrl + alt + delete and select change password. If you are locked out of your computer or need your computer login password reset while outside of the office, please contact IT for assistance. 


Q: How do I access help for tech support? 

A: For accessing help related to services provided by the firm, you have a few options: 
  1. Visit support.abdosolutions.com to open the support portal. Here you can find different resources to see if you can fix the issue yourself or if someone else might have an answer. The support portal has, but is not limited to, 
    1. Community Discussion Boards
    2. Knowledge Base Articles
  2. Chat with a member of the IT Support team through the chat button in the Abdo Support Portal. *If someone on the IT team isn't immediately available to chat, you can turn your chat request into a ticket for assistance at the next available opportunity.
  3. Submit a ticket. Once you have set up your Abdo Support Portal account, it will send ticket updates to your email (you can respond directly from the email, if you choose). You have multiple channels to submit tickets: 
    1. Select the "Submit a ticket" button in the Abdo Support Portal, normally found at the bottom of the page or on the "My Requests" page.
    2. Email itsupport@abdosolutions.com 
  4. Call the IT Helpdesk line: 952.939.3217 or ext.30016
    1. In your Zoom phone app, you can search for "help" in your contacts list.
    2. Please use all other self-help options before calling; Please reserve this method of contact for only when your issue cannot wait, as the IT team will try their best to get to everyone in a timely fashion. 
Please use these methods before you try directly messaging a member of the IT team, as following this workflow will help resolve your issue faster - it allows for anyone on the IT team to see your issue and makes it easier to quickly find out what progress has been made on your issue. Teams is not a method for initiating general IT support. If your ticket has been stalled for a while without updates, you are welcome at that point to message someone on the IT team through Teams for a progress update. 

Q: Why should I use Abdo Support Portal to request tech support? 

A: Using the Abdo Support Portal provides an easy way for the IT team to access all of the tech support requests for the firm. This is especially advantageous if someone is busy or away, as the rest of the team can pick up where the work was left off. In summary, using the Abdo Support Portal for submitting help requests helps your issue get resolved faster. 

Q: What is the Abdo Support Portal? 

A: The Abdo Support Portal is a place where you can access support from the IT and Marketing teams. This support portal is a valuable tool for self-help and requesting help if you can't fix the issue on your own or with the help of someone else. 

Q: How do I log into the Abdo Support Portal?

A: Please see the article on accessing your Abdo Support Portal account.

NOTE: the Abdo Support Portal runs on Zoho, which is a platform used by other parts of the firm. If you use the CRM part of Zoho, you will need to create a second account for being a normal user seeking support from the IT and Marketing teams. 

Q: When and why should I log into the Abdo Support Portal?

A: You should log into the Abdo Support Portal when you need to view all of your tickets and additional knowledge articles, or need the ability to participate in community discussions regarding issues and/or topics. The Abdo Support Portal allows you to respond to tickets directly from your email inbox, so logging into the Abdo Support Portal is not always required to respond to a ticket. 

A: For security, any articles that go beyond generic use of widely-used applications are limited to registered users. In order to see the full list of articles, please log into the Abdo Support Portal

Q: How do I request an addition or change to support articles?

A: There are a couple of different ways to make article requests on the Abdo Support Portal. 
  1. The like/dislike buttons. If you think an article does a good job of addressing the issue, click on the like button at the bottom of the article. If you think that an article misses the mark, click on the dislike button - when you do this, you will be prompted to give specific feedback on how we can improve the article to better address an issue or topic. Submitting feedback on an article creates a ticket for IT to address it.
  2. Community discussions. If you want to engage in a public discussion where others in the firm can collaborate regarding an issue or an idea, post a topic on the community forum in the Abdo Support Portal. Only registered users can post topics and comments, so please log into the Abdo Support Portal to participate in a community discussion. 
  3. Submit a ticket. You can always submit a ticket through the Abdo Support Portal to request that a support article be created or changed. Our goal is to have a good library of resources for common issues and procedures for the firm. 

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